FoodService Director

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FoodService Director is the noncommercial foodservice operator's trusted source of information to boost profitability and spur innovation in a changing economic environment.

With a forward-looking approach, FSD's editors deliver solutions and strategies to highly targeted readers in all segments of noncommercial foodservice, including colleges and universities, business and industry, K-12 schools and healthcare.

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FSD Update

FSD Update is a three times-weekly eNewsletter offering original content including ideas, training tools and other actionable information from’s most recent posting and from around the web.

FSD Alerts

FSD Alerts deliver the most pertinent news the instant it’s available.

FSD C&U Spotlight

A weekly eNewsletter specifically tailored to college and university foodservice delivering original content not found on

FSD K-12 Spotlight

A weekly eNewsletter specifically tailored to foodservice operators in elementary and secondary schools highlighting relevant topics including health and wellness, summer feeding programs, commodities and marketing.

FSD Healthcare Spotlight

A weekly eNewsletter specifically focused on the foodservice operators within hospitals, nursing homes, long-term care and senior/assisted living facilities.

Recipe Report

A weekly eNewsletter showcasing industry supplier-based recipes focused on trends and designed to stimulate menu ideas within foodservice operations.